Is there a manual?

BuildCalc Manual Download To the right is a link (warning: it’s 8.3mb) to the latest BuildCalc manual. It is formatted like a reference document and it contains tutorials and instructions for every function. A lot of effort has gone into making it easier for you to do your construction math … so if you see anything that could be better – big or small – please let me know and we’ll work together to make it right.

Is there a demo or trial version?

Short Answer: no

Long Answer:  There used to be – and it was really cool.  It relied upon a cloud service that would run BuildCalc and display the screen, in real time, in your browser.  That no longer works.  I have something I’ve been working on (for a LONG time) that would replace this.  Stay tuned!

Where can I get more help or instructional information?

There are six sources of instructional information for BuildCalc that you may find useful:

  • Contact me!  I listed this one first because, in most cases, this is the easiest and fastest way to get what you need to be up and going.  However, the following options are all great as well.  You can reach me by any of the following:

• the contact form, at the bottom of this page

• by emailing me at: 

  • Help on the Advanced Functions (ones not found on a common calculator) can be found by either:

• pressing and holding for 3 seconds the key for which you wish help

• pressing the ( i ) button at the bottom of the results screen for that function

  • General Help: Doing the same (pressing and holding for 3 seconds) on keys found on common calculator (like numbers, arithmetic symbols, etc.) will display a menu of general help items.
  • “On-the-spot” help for the Advanced Function Inputs:  The Stair, Compound Miter, Baluster and Hip/Valley Rafter, and Diagonal functions offer on-the-spot help for each input parameter to guide you through your calculation.
  • The BuildCalc Manual:  The latest version can be downloaded at
  • Study Guide: for more of a self study work book approach to learning BuildCalc you may wish to try the following documentation for the Construction Master® Pro – the calculator in which BuildCalc emulates and is key compatible (100% so when Advanced Function Mode is set to [OFF]).

Construction Master® Pro Study Guide, published by DelMar Learning

Construction Master® is a trademark of Calculated Industries and the above guide is their copyrighted materials. BuildCalc is not affiliated with Calculated Industries.